The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has announced the closure of the Yukon River drainage to sport fishing for coho salmon, effective from August 22nd until December 31st, 2024. This closure aims to protect the returning coho salmon population during times of low abundance. The decision comes as the estimated passage of coho salmon past the Pilot Station sonar has been significantly lower than usual, with only 10,935 fish recorded compared to an average of 47,651. This closure prohibits all sport fishing activities for coho salmon, including catch-and-release fishing.
In addition to the coho salmon closure, sport fishing for chum and king salmon in the Yukon River drainage, excluding the Tanana River drainage, remains closed due to poor salmon runs. The use of bait in all Yukon River tributaries, excluding the Tanana River drainage, is also prohibited until September 30th, 2024.
Lisa Stuby, the Yukon Area Management Biologist, can be contacted for additional information at (907) 459-7202. The closure of the coho salmon sport fishery is essential to help protect the spawning escapement and ensure the sustainability of the salmon population in the Yukon River drainage.
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