Psychologist and student of history, John G. Cottone, delves into the unwritten rules, expectations, and norms (RENs) that shape boys and girls differently during childhood in part one of his series. Drawing from his personal experiences growing up in both male-dominated and female-dominated environments, Cottone highlights the differences in RENs between traditionally masculine and feminine spaces. He discusses how these RENs influence the behaviors and development of individuals from childhood through adulthood.
Cottone explains how the shift in the means of production during the Technological Revolution led to more women entering the workforce and challenging the traditionally masculine RENs in workplaces. This shift has sparked a gender tug of war over which RENs should govern these environments. The battle over traditionally masculine and feminine RENs has become a frontline issue in culture wars, extending into every facet of society, including politics.
As women continue to make strides in the workforce, the debate over RENs is unlikely to be resolved without a new set of norms that blend the best of traditional masculinity and femininity. Cottone encourages readers to consider how their voices can shape the future of this conversation. The article serves as a thought-provoking analysis of gender dynamics and their impact on society today.
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